Framed Prints of Wheelwright in garage yard - Manchester from Mary Evans Special Offer
You can buy Framed Prints of Wheelwright in garage yard - Manchester from Mary Evans today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Framed Prints of Wheelwright in garage yard - Manchester from Mary Evans. Also read our Framed Prints of Wheelwright in garage yard - Manchester from Mary Evans reviews before you decide to buy Framed Prints of Wheelwright in garage yard - Manchester from Mary Evans. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Framed Prints of Wheelwright in garage yard - Manchester from Mary Evans Reviews
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Framed Prints of Wheelwright in garage yard - Manchester from Mary Evans Overview:
- This 14x11 Framed Print features an image chosen by Mary Evans. Estimated image size 339x280mm.
- Black Satin Frame White Digital Mat 14x11 wooden frame with digital mat and RA4 print. Finished back including brown backing paper, hanging bracket and corner bumpers
- Image Description: A lone wheelwright pours water to cool a wooden wagon wheel in the open yard of his terraced garage. The yard is occupied by a smart motor car, a tiny outside toilet, sheets of corrugated iron, three dustbins and a wooden covered stairway leading up to the upper storey of the house. Photograph by Shirley Baker
- For any queries regarding this item please contact Mary Evans c/o Media Storehouse quoting Media Reference 1623947
- © (c) Mary Evans Picture Library 2008
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